Block Shape

In CityBLD, a Block Shape is an area of land that can be subdivided and allocated for different uses. The uses of land are defined in the assigned District.

This is a default Block:


And here is a Block with a district called “Sample District” assigned to it. We can now generate this block:


To fully generate a Block, select it and hit the Generate button on the Blocks tab.



The subdivided portions of land are called Lots. Lots can spawn buildings, props, and anything else you can imagine. They can use rules defined in the Lot Style, or link to a PCG graph and use custom rules.

Block Shapes can only generate Lots. Everything else must be generated inside a Lot.

Land Use

All Lots have Land Use rules assigned. These Land Use rules are specified in the City Kit and determine what is spawned on the Lot, and the Lot sub-class that is spawned in the world.

Lot subdivision happens automatically when you hit Generate on a block. You can find them at the base of each building, or alongside the edge of the Block.

Lot Subdivision

CityBLD currently includes two methods of subdividing Lots - Offset, and Single Lot

Offset subdivision extends the Lots inward from the edge of the Block by the offset specified in the District.

Single Lot subdivision fills the entire Block with a Lot, where you can set up any rules needed.