In CityBLD, a City Kit is what contains all the presets and assets needed to generate a city. We could have a Medieval City Kit that lets CityBLD generate medieval style cities, a modern European style Kit, a Sci-Fi Kit, and so on. CityBLD will not work until you load in a City Kit.
When creating a new level, we are greeted with a prompt to load in a City Kit:
Hitting the + sign to load in one of these City Kits simply creates a new City Kit actor in our level. We can load multiple City Kits in our level, and use the presets from all of them simultaneously.
In this example, we’ll load in the Modern City Kit, available for free with CityBLD. Once we load it in, we can now see the included presets listed in all drop-downs, such as the Road Preset drop-down:
A City Kit is any BP class with BP_CityKit_Parent as it’s parent class. To create our own Kit, all we need to do is change the class defaults in this BP.
More detailed info on creating a City Kit can be found in the Custom Kits section of the documentation.