In CityBLD, a Prefab is an assembly is spawned at the clicked location. The surrounding environment will adapt to the Prefab.

There are two types of Prefabs: Building Prefabs and Road Prefabs.

Building Prefabs

To spawn a Building Prefab, switch to the Buildings Tab and select a Prefab from the dropdown.


Hit Place and the prefab will appear under the cursor in the world. You can scroll the mouse wheel to rotate it, then click at the desired location.

Checking “Destroy overlapped buildings” will remove the buildings that overlap your new prefab when you place it.

Road Prefabs

Road Prefabs, premade sections of road, function in a very similar way. The primary difference is that Road Prefabs have Snap Points, which allows you to build off of them or snap directly to them.

A good example of this is the Roundabout prefab in the Modern City Kit.


Once we’ve placed it, we can then switch to the road tool, select the matching 4-lane Road Preset, and draw from the ends of the roundabout.


A blue dot will appear at the snap point indicating the brush has snapped to the roundabout.
