In CityBLD, buildings can either be Modular Buildings(modular meshes assembled according to a preset) or Prefabs(a premade assembly of components).

In this quick overview, we'll focus on Modular Buildings, as these will generally make up the majority of a city.

You can learn more about Static Buildings, or Prefabs, on the Prefabs page here.

Modular Buildings are generated from a shape input (the Spline component), a height input, and a Building Style (instructions on which meshes and materials to use) input.

We can create a Modular Building in two ways:

Method 1. Assign a District to a block and hit Generate to add Lots and Modular Buildings. (more on this in the Blocks page)


This will instantly fill the block’s space with buildings generated from the parameters set in the District, whatever they may be:



Method 2. Select a Lot actor and generate a Modular Building on it by going to the Buildings tab, choosing a Building Style and hitting "Assign".


This will spawn a Modular Building on the lot with the selected Building Style.